Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day One-hundred and Fourty-four

I've got the camera control complete, using spherical coordinates. The control scheme is similar to many MMOs. Right click to rotate camera, arrow keys shift focus point, mouse wheel zooms in and out. Character placement has also been completed. Clicking a tile places the currently selected character at that location. Moves them from previous location if already on board. Clicking the tile a character is located on while that character is selected will remove them from the board. Clicking an occupied tile with another character selected will swap those characters, either between tiles or remove the occupying character from the board if the currently selected character hasn't been placed yet. Also started integrating items, still haven't tested animations yet, should be interesting when I get there.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day One-hundred and Thirty-nine

Alright, so I have the new art pipeline in, save for animations. I have the GUI nearly complete, except for some tweaking I recently realized I'm going to have to do on the Container class. I have character selection and placement working beautifully, and I have the GameMap class functioning. The selectable tiles and the world geometry are both contained in GameMap but are separate, so I can have any type of terrain I might later want to use. Screenshots!